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From: Houston, TX
Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 59
Date Posted: Monday, January 08, 2007, 01:54:47 PM     view Anna profile  reply to this message  send private message to Anna 

Hello everyone!

I wanted to let you know that RSC has gained a new very active member who agreed to become the club's secretary: Natalie Whalen! Her contact information was added to the "About Us" page.

Her first project will be to contact all and every RSC member to collect information about your dog and find out what you might need from the RSC. Please be sweet to her!!!

If your phone numbers have changed since you joined the club, Natalie might have a very difficalt time contacting you. Please send her a quick email with your correct numbers.

We are growing!!!

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Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 24
Date Posted: Saturday, January 13, 2007, 10:24:51 PM     view Elaine profile  reply to this message  send private message to Elaine 

Dear Natalie,

  Welcome to the club and to having your very own Russian Spaniel, a friend for life.  Thanking you in advance for your efforts on behalf of all us.  Looking forward to watching Tasha grow.  I hope everyone keeps their RS pictures up to date.

Elaine and Nikalena

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