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From: Houston, TX
Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 59
Date Posted: Friday, December 14, 2007, 09:04:32 AM     view Anna profile  reply to this message  send private message to Anna 

RSC members in California!

We need to plan a meeting! It will be fun for everyone to get together and an opportunity for many to have their dogs evaluated for breeding.

Please start suggesting when and where will be most conveniet for you.

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From: Houston, TX
Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 59
Date Posted: Friday, December 14, 2007, 11:09:00 AM     view Anna profile  reply to this message  send private message to Anna 

We have about 15 dogs in California with 7 in Los Angeles area and 8 in San Jose / San Francisco area. Of these, 3 and 4 accordingly are in need of evaluation. I can arrange my trip in such a way that I hop between two location over the same weekend. Then the cost of my tickets would be the responsibility of those whose dogs are being evaluated (split per dog). The rest of RS owners provide cola & cookies for humans and treats for the dogs. How does this sound?

L.A. area dogs:

Chelsee Baby

High Sequoia  <---evaluation needed

Handsome Man (Beua) <---evaluation needed

Mocha Yury


Vasilisa (Cookie)

Hero <---evaluation needed


S.J./S.F. area dogs:


Chantilly Lace




Hailey  <---evaluation needed

Hope <---evaluation needed

Tosha <---evaluation needed

Bari-Chaikovsky (Chai)<---evaluation needed


Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 2
Date Posted: Monday, February 04, 2008, 12:46:02 AM     view Svetlana profile  reply to this message  send private message to Svetlana 

Hello, Anna.    I am willing to split the cost of your travel to evaluate Chaikovsky and other Northern California dogs.  It seems like we might split between 4 people or so.  I would think that it won't happen until at least summer time.   Chaikovsky is going to turn 1 y.o. on Feb. 8.  What is the best age to evaluate and then breed him?   Let me know what all Cali owners think.

From Russia with Love. Chaikovsky and Mama.


From: Houston, TX
Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 59
Date Posted: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 03:52:25 PM     view Anna profile  reply to this message  send private message to Anna 

In case someone (other than people already involved) wants to join us...

Los Angeles area RSC meeting will be held on November 28th, 2008

San Francisco area RSC meeting will be held on November 29th, 2008

For more information please email the Club


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