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From: Houston, TX
Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 59
Date Posted: Wednesday, March 08, 2006, 11:29:00 AM     view Anna profile  reply to this message  send private message to Anna 

I wanted to thank Becky and Jan for hosting the meetings in Los Angeles and Phoenix to evaluate local Russian Spaniels. Thanks for putting up with me :-).

It was great to meet everyone! Your dogs are absolutely wonderful, even if I concentrated more on the flaws while I was there (sorry!). I will consult some experts for a final decision, but it seems to me that all 5 dogs: Chelsee, Yury, Ali, Belka, and Lady are great candidates for RSC's breeding program. It was great to see Cookie and Vanya too. Even though we can't breed these two dogs, we love them nevertheless. Thanks for joining us.

I have lots of pictures from this trip. Here is where you will find them:


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From: Houston, TX
Registered: 01/09/05
Posts: 59
Date Posted: Thursday, July 06, 2006, 04:13:30 PM     view Anna profile  reply to this message  send private message to Anna 

I finally uploaded all of the individual pictures from the meeting. Sorry for the delay!


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